Colorado Renaissance Festival- Saffryn the Fairy
Colorado Renaissance Festival
Colorado Renaissance Festival
Colorado Renaissance Festival
Colorado Renaissance Festival
Colorado Renaissance Festival
Colorado Renaissance Festival
Pride and Prejudice-Mr. Darcy
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Spring Awakening- Frau Knockenbroch
Spring Awakening
Spring Awakening
Spring Awakening
Dog Sees God-CB's Sister
Dog Sees God
Dog Sees God
Dog Sees God
Dog Sees God
Brand Ambassador-Target Slime Lab
Brand Ambassador
Brand Ambassador
Brand Ambassador
Brand Ambassador
She Kills Monsters-Puppeteer
She Kills Monsters
She Kills Monsters
She Kills Monsters
Photos by Bennet Forsyth
Headshot from 2019
Headshot from 2020
Ponytail Headshot from 2020
Commercial Headshot
Smirking Headshot
Theatrical Headshot
Legit Headshot
Glam Headshot
Professional Headshot with Glasses
Girl Next Door Headshot
Laughing Headshot